The Experience to Help With Many Issues

RTT Therapist and Hypnotherapy
Online and In Person

Rapid and Lasting Results. Helping you Wherever You are in the World.

Getting Results for Even The Most Complex Issues

Hello and Welcome,  I am Jonathan and I get my clients fast and lasting results, often in just one session with me. 

I am a Senior RTT Therapist and Clinical Hypnotherapist. I’m able to help you with even the most deep rooted issues. Whatever you are struggling with, there is a good chance that I can help you get where you want, even if you have been struggling with this issue for years.


The most common issue that I help people with is overcoming anxiety and its associated symptoms such as panic attacks, procrastination, avoidance and self sabotage. 


As one of the most experienced RTT Therapists in the world I regularly help people with weight loss, stopping smoking, overcoming phobias and fears such as fear of flying or fear of the dentist. 

I enjoy working with improving peoples self confidence and specific issues such as the fear of public speaking. I have plenty of experience helping people overcome depression or low mood. As part of treating these issues people frequently experience many side benefits including learning to feel good about themselves, being more hopeful and positive and learning to believe more in themselves.


I have worked successfully with many physical issues such as Eczema, Asthma, Fibromyalgia, Vertigo, Insomnia, IBS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Autoimmune conditions, Headaches and  nervous tics. I have helped people overcome very specific issues such as Trichotillomania and Dermatiilomania. 


I work with beating addictions such as alcohol addiction and drug addiction. I get great results helping men overcome erectile dysfunction and other sexual issues. If you have an issue not mentioned above, feel free to book a call with me (using the button below) to discuss if this is something that I can help with. 

“Jonathan was recommended to me as the best and most experienced RTT Therapist. I have achieved more in one session with Jonathan than I achieved in 2 years of talking therapy. I feel so much calmer. I have more confidence and I no longer have that constant self-doubt. I am even sleeping better. Truly amazing. Thank you”. 

 Laura, Buckinghamshire, UK.


Making Sure You Get the RTT Therapist for Your Needs

Thanks to technology like Zoom, you can now access one of the most experienced RTT therapists wherever you are in the world. I have been working online with clients in over 40 countries since before the pandemic and I can get you the same great results working online as we could achieve in person. You no longer need to be limited to working with a Therapist who is just local to you. You can access the best person for you.


I was one of the first people trained in person by the famous Hypnotherapist and founder of the RTT Hypnotherapy method, Marisa Peer.  I have successfully worked with thousands of clients to make big changes in how they think, feel and act. I’ve also had the privilege of working directly with Marisa and serving as part of her elite in house RTT Therapist team, serving Marisa Peer’s own clients.

I work using both Clinical Hypnotherapy and RTT Therapy.  Clinical Hypnotherapy is very effective in getting great results for weight loss, stopping smoking, overcoming bad habits and performance improvement.


For issues with more deep rooted casues such as anxiety, low self-esteem or depression, I typically recommend using RTT Therapy as it is deals with the root cause of the issue in a way that regular hypnotherapy does not. In speaking with you, I can advise which approach is best for you. My goal is always to get you in the best place in as little time as is possible and choose the approach that works best for you as an individual.


84% of the individuals I’ve worked with achieved the results they wanted in just one session. 96% achieve the results they want in only 2 sessions. These results have been achieved working with thousands of clients as an RTT Therapist. I have been able to get great results for even the most complex cases and pride myself on helping people make huges strides forward in just 1 or 2 sessions.


Whatever your struggle may be, I will give you the support you need, tailored to your situation. 

I offer a free initial consultation to answer your questions and to explore how I can help you move forward. Let’s see if what I do is the right thing for you. 


If you would like to book your call please just book a slot using the link below.


Let’s Talk and See How I can Help You

RTT Therapist and Coach As Featured on

Global and Local Media Including

Getting Great Results -wherever you are

Overcome anxiety and confidence issues in just 21 days.

Getting Rapid Results –

Wherever you are

84% of my clients report significant progress after just 1 session with me

Lasting Change – Creating new possibilities

Feel calmer, more confident and more resilient

What Do My Clients Experience ?
RTT reviews for Jonathan Butler, My Fit Minds
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